Weekly Links #20: AMLE19 Edition!

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AMLE19 has come to an end! We hope you had a good week. We had a blast hanging out with some of you, as well as another 3000 more new friends. If you weren’t able to attend the conference with us, or just want to reminisce about some of the highlights, check out the links below.

Principal Kafele kicked off the conference on opening day and got everyone dancing.

Jessica Lahey got day 2 going with her keynote on the gift of failure.

We remembered that if you can’t manage them you can’t teach them and practiced great strategies with Kim Campbell.

Dr. Marcia Tate gave us brain-based ideas to help us grow students’ dendrites.

We used good questions to get WHOAs and WOWs from our kiddos with Erik Francis.

And so much more.

Plus, Andrew and Laren from your ALAMLE board wrapped up the conference by connecting and collaborating with other affiliate leaders from across the country. Stay tuned for us to put the ideas we collected into action in the new year!
