Weekly Links #16


Happy Friday! Here’s hoping your weekend is filled with fall-like temperatures, coziness, and plenty of rest. Snuggle up with a few of our favorite reads from the past seven days.

If you weren’t able to make it to the Alabama Conference on Grading and Assessment for Learning last weekend, check out the #ACGAL hashtagged tweets.

You can also peruse our tweets of Thomas R. Guskey’s keynote.

Media Literacy Week is coming up soon. Here’s a roundup of resources.

Why is middle school so hard for so many people? (h/t to Alabama ASCD for sharing this link with us)

Octopuses are incredible.

And finally, we spent some time this week with 8th graders at the Worlds of Work Career Expo. It is AMAZING. See the image above and follow along as we tweet about it this weekend.