This is the first installment in a weekly series here on the blog in which we share a round-up of some of our favorite bits and pieces from around the internet. Happy reading, and have a great weekend!
The most stolen books of 2018-2019.
History Class: It’s about the people, not the dates.
It’s Democratic primary season. Did you watch the debates this week? Here are the candidates’ policy positions.
Adobe Spark now has a collaboration option!
Pixar’s secret for making perfect films.
Do you use Instagram to connect with your school community? Caption your stories to make them more accessible.
We all need mirrors, windows, and sliding glass doors.
Are you at ISTE? #NotAtISTE? Either way, here’s a collection of “the next big trends” in ed tech.
Need some listening material for your summer travels? Check out our podcast recommendations.
Follow Friday: If you’re not already, you need to be following Charlsie Wigley. She’s a 7th grade ELA teacher in Shelby County, a consummate learner, and an active participant in ongoing education conversations in-state and beyond. Connect with her on Twitter!